İLTEK TEKNOLOJİ; We are coating various sized electronic cards that designed in your projects.
We offer craftsmanship solutions and chemical supply solutions to demanders. For this, please contact with our company.
We are working in line with customer requirements by using CHEMTOOLS, ELENTAS, HUMISEAL, ELECTROLUBE company products which are world giant in electronic card coating, card coating removal and filling chemicals.
Our experienced staff covers your electronic cards and delivers them as soon as possible. In electronic system and card technologies, electronic cards that are required to work under difficult conditions or at the service points, you can supply the coating chemicals on the electronic cards which are protected from these environmental conditions by means of our company. We will be happy to be your solution partner in the problems of our valued customers with our technical application and inspection team specialized in special coatings, coating solvents and filling materials especially used in the military product group. To desired military standards, we have been making coating removal and re-coating process of your newly producted cards or the card that came to you for repair. These card coating technologies and techniques are provided by our expert staff as special training for institutions or individuals. Please contact with our company for more information…

For detailed information, please contact with us.